Hi! Welcome to ETC Designs. We are excited that you can be a part of growing our business. Come along with us as we design and build our woodworking facilities.
Our goal is to be able to provide a variety of different wood products for, well...everyone!
We have firewood and raw large logs for people to take and cut or slab. Whatever their hearts desire! As we grow, we will offer even more products and finished items.
For now, I want to invite you to see what we are currently up to. We bought our Kubota SVL752. It is our tractor and wood beast. Without it, we could not move the logs like we do!

We also picked-up a less than new TimberKing Saw Mill. We drove a full day to see our new tool. 2021 was not the best time to decide to buy equipment. Major production shortages. But we are so happy that we got our hands on this used mill. TimberKing mills are tried and true so we don't mind that it is not new. Besides, we got to go on a road adventure together. I have the best travel partner! He is the best partner in everything.

Taking it apart and loading it was an adventure too. But where there is a will, there is a way!
Once we got the mill home, we needed to house it somewhere. We had an old house/shop on part of our property. Now it is converted to an ag building where we will do milling. It is almost done! We are excited to get started, and we hope you are excited to see what we have planned.

Glade to see the saw is up and working. I look forward to seeing you sawmill up and in full operation